Strategy and Vision

Ai4.0 - The Key to Realizing Dreams


Dear friends and future investment masters,


It is with immense excitement that I announce that tomorrow (July 15), our Institute will witness a special day—the grand opening of the 15th Internal Sharing Course! Since our Institute's inception, we have navigated through 14 challenging yet glorious years, and this year is bound to be our year of soaring success!


Every individual who steps into the investment market harbors a great dream, and our Ai4.0 system will be the key to realizing those dreams. In 2008, I experienced a turning point in my life. From that moment, I began summarizing my investment philosophies and trading techniques, focusing on quantitative trading. To express my gratitude to my mentor and friends, and to pursue my desire to educate, I founded the Institute in 2011. In 2018, witnessing the immense impact of artificial intelligence on quantitative trading, I committed to developing a revolutionary system—Ai 4.0. This system combines machine learning, neural networks, data sensing, signal decision-making, and AI trading to lead us toward greatness.


As the Ai 4.0 system is about to debut, there is already a wealth of information available online. If you are new here, you can learn about us through our official website, or by searching FB Finance Institute, Wilbur Clark, or Ai Financial Genie 4.0.


The purpose of this early internal training session, compared to the previous 14 sessions, is to accelerate the launch process of the Ai 4.0 investment system application. Before its official release, we need extensive market visibility and test data, making this an exhilarating process! I need the support of each one of you because the data you witness firsthand will surpass 10,000 recommendation letters!


I sincerely hope each of you will spend this precious time with me. I will guide you through its structure and operational principles. Together, we will profit from the investment market, gain valuable practical and test data, and reap substantial returns in this new bull market driven by the upcoming Federal Reserve rate cuts!


For this reason, I have made thorough preparations to ensure that you enjoy a more comfortable journey in the upcoming marvelous adventure, and to obtain perfect data. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all members of the Institute, our 20+ excellent partner companies, and all new and returning students!


To celebrate the official commencement of this internal sharing session and its significant importance, I will share five generous benefits and eagerly anticipate your active participation!


Benefit 1: Opening Ceremony Benefits


- Participants in tomorrow’s (July 15) opening ceremony will have the chance to enter a raffle to win prizes worth up to $5,000.

- A critical investment strategy that includes stocks, stock options, and cryptocurrencies, with an expected return rate exceeding 300%.

- A Top 10 Investment Targets list, carefully selected by the Ai4.0 system, with a conservative estimate that their average increase this year will exceed 100%.


Benefit 2: Ai 4.0 Investment System Application Usage Rights


Friends who book the Ai 4.0 internal testing plan starting this month through my assistant will receive the following benefits:

- Free three-month use of the Ai 4.0 personal edition (valued at $12,500).

- An entry into a raffle to win prizes worth up to $5,000.

- A copy of the "Trader’s Bible," personally selected by me, regarded as the best investment read in the industry.


Benefit 3: Ai 4.0 Investment System Series Courses


This is one of the most anticipated contents by everyone. Starting tomorrow, I will begin sharing. This is not only to understand the operating principles of the Ai4.0 investment system but also to impart profitable methods, allowing beginners to quickly become experts!


Part 1: Practical Teaching

- "Practice is the best teaching method" is our core teaching philosophy. All sharing will be practical, aiming for higher returns while maintaining risk control.

- The 'Ai 4.0-Ai Programmatic Trading System' provides high win rate trading signal opportunities across different markets.

- Goals and Commitment: This year’s practical teaching total asset return target is above 200%! We take full responsibility for any losses incurred when trading strictly according to our shared trading strategies or signals.


Part 2: Course Sharing

- Sharing the key information of the 'Ai 4.0-Expert and Investment Advisory System,' including critical investment information from major markets, to grasp market directions.

- It includes the complete tutorial of 'Ai 4.0-Trading Signal Decision System,' enabling rapid advancement from a beginner to a practical expert upon learning.


Benefit 4: Mysterious Gift - Value Greater Than $2,000


Please contact and inform my assistant that you are willing to help us complete the understanding, testing, and promotion of the Ai 4.0 investment system before its launch. You can accumulate 200 Institute tokens at different stages. The Institute tokens were listed on our strategic partner’s cryptocurrency trading center in February 2019. This trading center has obtained the U.S. National Futures Association financial license and the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) MSB license.

With the Ai 4.0 investment system’s launch plan being implemented this year, it is expected that the value of Institute tokens will exceed a 500% increase this year. Calculating at the current price of $2.1, 200 Institute tokens are likely to exceed $2,000 in value this year.


Benefit 5: Ai4.0 Internal Sharing Learning Incentive Mechanism


1. Learning Incentive Mechanism Overview

To help all members quickly improve during the learning process, to create an atmosphere of 'Healthy Life, Efficient Investment, Learning and Sharing, Joy and Freedom,' to stimulate learning interest, and to cultivate more excellent students, we have formulated this 'Learning Incentive Mechanism.'

Through interactive learning in this session's internal sharing group, you can earn 'Investment-Learning Points.' These points can be used to participate in raffles, exchange for gifts, and gain additional usage rights for the Ai4.0 system.


2. Rewards

Learning is not only an accumulation of knowledge but also a critical path to achieving financial freedom. Here, I introduce an exciting points and rewards mechanism, hoping to motivate everyone to actively participate in the courses, share insights, and improve themselves through this approach.

Now, let’s look at these reward mechanisms and start taking action!


Reward Mechanism Details:


Attendance Reward:

Confirm attendance in the group or Institute APP at 9:30 AM and 3 PM ET daily to earn 10 'Investment-Learning Points.' Daily attendance is the first step to learning.


Personal Insight Reward:

Share your personal insights and views related to the course theme during the course. Each share can earn 5-20 'Investment-Learning Points.' Your insights not only earn points for yourself but also provide inspiration for everyone.


Achievement Verification Reward:

After each course, answer the day’s course questions and send the answers to the assistant or group to earn 20-50 'Investment-Learning Points' each time. This is a critical step in verifying learning outcomes.


Daily Growth Reward:

Record the key points of each day's course and share them in the group or upload them to the Institute APP to earn 20-100 'Investment-Learning Points' daily. This not only consolidates the day's learning content but also helps you internalize the knowledge better.


Points Redemption and Special Rewards:

Accumulate 100 points to earn a raffle entry, 200 points for two raffle entries, and so on. Each raffle can win prizes worth up to $5,000. In this internal sharing session, the top 100 friends with the most points can receive the following rewards:

- The top 30 excellent students can receive a one-year usage right of the Ai4.0 system institutional edition, valued at $1 million.

- The 31st to 100th excellent students will receive a one-year usage right of the Ai4.0 system personal edition, valued at $50,000.


Future investment masters, effort will always pay off, and the learning path is full of countless opportunities. Persist, and you will not only gain knowledge and wealth but also a brighter future.


By attending daily, sharing insights, verifying achievements, and recording growth, you can continuously improve your investment abilities and redeem valuable rewards through points. I hope everyone actively participates, dares to share, and strives to accumulate points to become the best students.


I believe in your efforts and enthusiasm, which will surely yield fruitful results in this learning journey. I look forward to your outstanding performance!


Take action, actively participate in each segment, accumulate points, and win generous rewards. Let’s move towards a financially free future together!

Happy learning and successful investing!


Best regards,


Wilbur Clark

July 14, 2024